Man Ray
Man Ray (1890-1976)
An American artist, photographer and filmmaker, Ray took part in New York Dada, before moving to Paris in 1921. Inspired by Duchamp's "ready mades", he created numerous objects, includingThe Enigma of Isadore Ducasse (1920; a sewing machine covered in cloth and twine), Gift (1921; a flatiron with metal tacks attached to its bottom) and Object To Be Destroyed (1923; a metronome with a picture of an eye on it's pendulum). Perhaps best known for his photography, Ray took portraits of many prominent artists and writers of the era, while also exploring more avant-garde techniques with his camera. His series of "rayographs" feature shadowy images, created by placing objects directly onto the surface of photographic paper, then exposing them to light. His Violon d'Ingres (1924) captures the back and buttocks of a nude woman (Kiki de Montparnasse), with the f holes from a violin printed onto the picture, thus transforming the female body into a musical instrument. Other memorable photos include Black and White (1926),Woman With Flowing Hair (1930) and Tears (1930).
A participant in numerous Surrealist exhibitions, Ray emerged as one of the movement's key figures. He directed several experimental films, such as Le Retour á la Raison (1923), Emak-Bakia (1926) andL'Étoile de Mer (1928), as well as appeared onscreen in Rene Clair'sEntr'acte (1924). In addition to his work with a camera, Ray created many paintings and drawings. Observatory Time - The Lovers (1932-34), is perhaps his most celebrated canvas, depicting a giant pair of lips, floating in the sky. Another important work, Imaginary Portrait of D.A.F. de Sade (1938), portrays the infamous French writer as a stone figure, overlooking the Bastille, engulfed in flames. Among Ray's other notable paintings are The Fortune (1938), Picture Puzzle(1938) and Le Beau Temps (1939).
Everything is always a little surreal. See the link below for more info.